91.020 P50 Social Organization Standard T/UPSC 000 2-2021 Guidelines for Site Selection, Design, Construction, and Operation Management of Emergency Infectious Diseases Hospital s Issued on May 29, 202 1 Implemented from May 29, 202 1 By Urban Planning Society of China 全国团体标准信息平台T/UPSC 000 2-2021 I Contents Foreword ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... II 1. General Provisions ................................ ................................ ............................... 1 2. Terminology ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 4 3. Planning for Site Selection and Layout ................................ .............................. 8 4. Medical Process Design ................................ ................................ ..................... 16 5. Architectural Design ................................ ................................ .......................... 20 6. Water Supply & Drainage System ................................ ................................ ... 38 7 HV AC System ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 46 8 Heavy Current System ................................ ................................ ...................... 54 9 Light Current System ................................ ................................ ........................ 63 10 Operation Management ................................ ................................ .................... 70 11 Explanation of Wording in the Standard ................................ ........................ 90 全国团体标准信息平台T/UPSC 0002-2021 II Foreword These Guidelines were proposed by the Standardization Committee under the Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC). These Guidelines are put under centralized management by the Standardization Committee under the UPSC. The technical content of these Guidel ines is interpreted by Central -South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd. (CSADI). These Guidelines were prepared by CSADI (No.2, Zhongnan Second Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China), with the assistance from Huazhong University of Scie nce and Technology (HUST). These Guidelines were drafted by Du Xihua, Zhang Songmin, Yao Xin, Li Wentao, Bo Wen, Zhang Ming, Chen Ying, Zhang Chunquan, Xu Shen, Liu Hui, Bai Xiaoxia, Lin Ying, Chen Tao, Qiu Zhengyan, Xie Hu, Hong Ying, Qin Xiaomei, Luo Fa ng, Zhang Yin'an, Liu Huabin, Li Bin, Feng Xingming, Peng Yiqi, Li Liang, Liu Dai, Tu Xuancheng, Han Baojiang, Wang Yun, Xiao Weizhi, Xiao Yang, Wei Yaqi, Li Wenyuan, Liang Han, Zhao Junbin, Sha Chengwei, Yao Dong, and Ma Jiaqin. These Guidelines wer e reviewed by Shi Nan, Meng Jianmin, and Duan Jin (listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames). 全国团体标准信息平台T/UPSC 0002-2021 1 Guidelines for Site Selection, Design, Construc tion, and Operation Management of Emergency Infectious Diseases Hospitals 1. General Provisions 1.1 Background These Guidelines were developed to quickly respond to major public health emergencies, deliver a good performance in emergency management of epidemic prevention and control, provide guidance on the site selection, design, construction, and operation management for new, renovated and extended emergency medical facilities in severely -hit areas, and ensure the efficiency and safety f or the construction and operation of those emergency medical facilities. 1.2 Scope of Application These Guidelines are applicable to the site selection, design, construction, and operation management of new, renovated, and functionally transformed emergen cy medical facilities for respiratory infectious diseases, including new emergency infectio

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T-UPSC 0002—2021 Guidelines for Site Selection, Design, Construction, and Operation Management of Emergency Infectious Diseases Hospitals 第 1 页 T-UPSC 0002—2021 Guidelines for Site Selection, Design, Construction, and Operation Management of Emergency Infectious Diseases Hospitals 第 2 页 T-UPSC 0002—2021 Guidelines for Site Selection, Design, Construction, and Operation Management of Emergency Infectious Diseases Hospitals 第 3 页
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